Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wanna see my new trick?

I love to blow bubbles all day!

That sleeping through the night thing was short lived. It was on and off for about a week, but now she's back to waking at night to eat. Oh well, such is the life of a three month old!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Three months old today!

No new milestones to report, we're still waiting for that first giggle! She's sleeping a lot longer at night now, up to seven hours, but it's not consistant.

We had one day of nice weather and we're back to freezing cold and hail. Ugghh. I really want to take the kids to the park or for walks on a daily basis. At least they're too young to know any better, I think next year Jake is going to complain a lot more.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I feel so much better now!

Everybody is back to normal at our house now. Whew.

Yesterday we took the kids to the lake and as we're getting out of the car, Jake says to me,

"That's my baby"

"yes, Jake, that's your baby sister"

"I don't want any kids touching my baby"

"Okay Jake, I won't let any kids touch your baby"

"Her name's 'livia"

"yes, her name is 'livia"

I think I'm going to start calling her 'livia.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just wanted to say hi...

...and show you my dimples!

After finding out that Craig had pneumonia, I started worrying that maybe something more serious was wrong with Olivia too. Sure enough, she had it too. I had to take her to get a chest x-ray and it was heart wrenching to have to hold her down while she screamed. =( I was warned that preemies are more likely to get infections when they get sick and in the future more likely to have asthma. So, we're holed up in our house while she's in this weakened state and hopefully Jake won't be bouncing off the walls!

Friday, April 4, 2008

What a little angel


Well, our little peanut is sick again! =( She's got a cough and runny nose, no fever yet. Her daddy's got it bad too, he hasn't left his bed for four days. I don't know how I escaped it this time, because Jake had it last week too. Thank goodness I'm okay though, because Olivia woke me up every three hours last night! She was doing so well going five to seven hours at night. Oh well, hopefully it's only temporary.