Tuesday, October 28, 2008

pumpkin heads

Olivia @ 9 months, Jake @ 7 months:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

9 months old

Here are her stats from the doctor visit:

weight: 16#2 10th percentile

height: 27 in 25-50th percentile

head: 25th percentile

Lookin' good!


You can imagine the attention they got in their matching outfits!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's pumpkin time!

She was a little sleepy due to not taking a morning nap, so we couldn't get any smiles! Even when she was clapping or standing, which usually brings out a big grin, she was very serious. Also, I dug up an old picture of Jake's first pumpkin patch when he was about her age.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Ever since she learned how to clap, she does it all day long!

BTW, for those of you keeping track, she now has SIX teeth! Two more top ones just came in!

Friday, October 3, 2008

funny new sounds

So, our little monkey is figuring out what kinds of sounds she can make and it's very entertaining! She makes some very soft whispering noises that sound like ba-ba ma-ma, and some very loud screeching noises that when you're in the car, they can hurt your ears. But my favorite one at the moment is when she scrunches up her face and blows air out between her lips causing saliva to spray everywhere! I managed to capture all three on video, enjoy!