Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy first birthday!

What a tiny little peanut we have! Maybe I should let her eat the whole entire cake!

17 lbs 6 oz 3-5th percentile

29 3/4 in 50-75th percentile

She got the green light to switch to milk, but the doc is a little concerned about her eating. She's still not using the pincer grasp which is directly related to chewing food. If after one month she's still not doing it, she'll have to go to physical therapy. =( She also doesn't point, which is something that's supposed to happen before the one year mark. I can't blame it on being premature because she's doing everything else a one year old should be doing! Cross your fingers that she won't need therapy!


Mommy said...

Happy birthday, Miss Olivia! Fingers crossed that she is just doing things on her own schedule :O)

Megan said...

Happy birthday, Olivia! She sure is a looker!

librarymeow said...

Happy birthday! I can't believe she's one already!! What a beautiful girl!

Ladd Keith said...

Happy Birthday Olivia! :o)

Lori said...

Look at those big beautiful eyes! Happy Birthday Olivia!!

I'll keep the fingers (and toes) crossed for you. But PT is basically just playing with a purpose so don't be too worried if that is in the future. hugs we trust... said...

Happy Birthday!

Alissa's speech thereapy was basically playing while talking. She loved it. They make therapy really fun so even if she does need thereapy, I'm sure she'll love it!